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Quaint Tales From Mahabharata - - A World of Music

Quaint Tales From Mahabharata

Glitz Digital


Some less heard and some known, a series of interesting stories from and around the time of the Mahabharata, recreating the values and virtues of those times in the backdrop of an epic war

17 Episodes Play All Episodes
access_time5 years ago
Another interesting anecdote from after the war when Krishna sizes up an opportunity to teach Arjuna about humility
access_time5 years ago
This one is also from the epic. Vidura owing to his birth was forever ridiculed by the Kauravas. Lord Krishna decides to set the record straight and chooses to be Vidura's gift when he visits Hastinapura as the Pandava messenger.
access_time5 years ago
An incident from the epic that occurs before the battle begins. Both Arjuna & Duryodhana seek help from Krishna in the forthcoming war. And what does Krishna do?
access_time5 years ago
Another turning point in the epic as also in the agyatha vasa of the Pandavas, the character of Keechaka and his slaying adds to the drama.
access_time5 years ago
The House of Wax. Why was it constructed, and where?? What happened thereafter.
access_time5 years ago
Guru Dronacharya showcases Arjuna's famed marksmanship with this interesting episode and sets out to impress upon his pupils the significance of focussing on the goal.
access_time5 years ago
How to be? How not to be? What to do and what not to do? A glance at the best known management lessons thus far, delivered on the battlefield.
access_time5 years ago
A significant character in the Mahabharata itself and also serves as a turning point in the epic, Shikhandi has an interesting birth and past.
access_time5 years ago
The best archer of those times and the Guru of the Kuru Princes, Dronacharya's birth and lifetime have lessons for us.
access_time5 years ago
Akshaya Patra - the pot that always has food in it is put to test in this tale connected with Durvasa muni, the rishi infamous for his extraordinary anger
access_time5 years ago
From the Mahabharata itself, this story brings out the tale of Sisupala, his arrogance and the benevolence of Lord Krishna pardoning Sisupala's excesses keeping in line with Krishna's promise to the former's mother
access_time5 years ago
Lord Krishna educates Aswathama to use his own ingenuity, trust his own skills rather than leverage on borrowed intelligence
access_time5 years ago
This story is from the main epic itself. It narrates Duryodhana's devious plans to kill Krishna who comes to meet him as messenger of the Pandavas. But wouldn't Krishna know! And what ensued
access_time5 years ago
Kaliyugam Begins... As the present Yuga Kaliyuga is born, sin and dishonesty slowly replace truth and piety
access_time5 years ago
We have always been taught to speak the truth. However, rarely, a lie could be the hour's call. A lie is justified if it ultimately leads to the triumph of truth
access_time5 years ago
An army marches forward on its stomach. Food for the warring soldiers would be cooked for the exact number of survivors each day! How was this possible
access_time5 years ago
Some less heard and some known, a series of interesting stories from and around the time of the Mahabharata, recreating the values and virtues of those times in the backdrop of an epic war
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